Register with Tutella

It's completely free and we don't ask for any card details. Simply go to and click one of the many 'Register' buttons throughout the site.


Complete the Form

We've tried to keep the form as simple (and quick) as possible. It will take less than five minutes to complete and all of your details can easily be changed at any point in the future. When complete, click 'Submit' at the bottom of the page.

See Your Profile!

Your profile has been made! All of your details and images are shown. Take a look around the profile to familiarise yourself. You can use the navigation at the top of the page or on the left-hand side to find your way around the website.

Add a post

Create a Post

To add a post to your timeline, simply click the 'Post on your timeline' button. If you haven't created a post before, the form will already be open on your profile page. Just fill in the boxes as shown and click 'Submit post'.

Settings / Edit Profile

There's lots you can do to customise your page, such as adding key contacts, hospital details and visiting hours. You might want to change your profile picture, colour or blurb. This is also the place to control your profile privacy settings.


Making Changes

Use the links in the top-left corner of the page to make different changes your profile and Tutella account. Don't be shy, there's no way that you can break your page!

Invite People

To add family and friends to your circle you'll need to send them a Tutella invite. To do this, just click 'Invite People' in the navigation. You just need to know the email of the recipient and Tutella will take care of the rest!

Invite People


To search for existing Tutella users, just click the magnifying glass at the top of the page. You can control whether or not you appear in a search result by changing your privacy settings of your profile.

Sending Gifts

If you want to send someone a gift, you need to first visit their Tutella profile. Then, in the navigation click 'Shop' and select a product. If you buy the product, you'll receive a confirmation email from us with details about how you can share your gift purchase on the recipients timeline.


Requesting Help

Click the 'Request Help' button in the navigation. You then need to click 'Create' to create a new help request. Once you've written your request click 'Submit'. This support ticket will be emailed to everyone in your circle, and they will be able to complete it for you!